5 tips to take care of your legs

Here are 5 important tips for girls and boys to take care of their beautiful legs:
1. Make a paste by mixing 100 grams of coconut oil with 5 grams of camphor, neem leaves juice and a little raw turmeric and apply it on legs. With warm salt water take a foot-bath, then wash with liquid soap. After drying apply some antiseptic cream.
2. Honey, almond oil, liquid soap and warm water mixed with a little vanilla Essence to create a great liquid for foot baths. Apply for 15 minutes; it will keep your legs smooth.
3. 8 Strawberries, ½ teaspoon of olive oil, half teaspoon of grated almonds and 1 teaspoon of coarse salt mixed together and apply it to the legs. After drying wipe it out and then wash.
4. Use few drops glycerin mixed with water before going to bed at night. Then wear old loose cotton socks in your legs.
5. If the new shoe causes black tint in legs, then use few drops glycerin, half a teaspoon turmeric paste, one teaspoon sandalwood paste, mixed with rose-water and keep it on the feet 20 minutes. Then wash. Apply it once in a week, the stain will be gone.

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